Our Community - Announcements, Events and More [click any news item below to Continue Reading]
March 4, 2025 · Williamsburg Hamlet,Garage SalesJanuary 14, 2025 · Williamsburg Hamlet,Katy TX,Street LightsJanuary 14, 2025 · Williamsburg Hamlet,street repairs,sidewalk repairsDecember 11, 2024 · Williamsburg Hamlet,Deed Restrictions,Contact InformationNovember 14, 2023 · MUD 64,Williamsburg Hamlet,Harris County MUD 64,Services provided by MUD 64September 17, 2023 · Police,Katy TX,Non-emergency,Phone NumberApril 11, 2022 · Williamsburg Hamlet,Callegari Park,EasterJanuary 6, 2022 · Williamsburg Hamlet,Account NumberMore PostsOur Mission & About Us
To create a safe, friendly environment where we can get to know and support our neighbors by preserving the quality of life through efficient management of the Association which requires the enforcement of rules and covenants to preserve property values, plus provide support initiatives and capital improvements to benefit the greater good for the entire community.
We are a subdivision of over 500 homes conveniently located near the Energy Corridor in Katy, Texas. We have a spacious, very attractive swimming pool up to 9’ deep, a family playground and basketball courts, all in the same vicinity as the pool.
Half a mile down the road is the new (2018) MUD #64 Callegari Park which features multiple playgrounds, an educational Butterfly Garden, a Pavilion, multiple Fitness Stations and .35 miles of concrete trail. The park is accessible by a 17-space parking lot adjacent to Repiton Way and is intended for the enjoyment of our community!
- For Deed Restriction Enforcement / Complaints
Goodwin & Company
1400 Broadfield Blvd., Suite 600
Houston, Texas - 77084CUSTOMER CARE: 855-289-6007
OFFICE: 346-330-2827
Dallas Nield, WHMA Community Associations Manager
Dallas.Nield@goodwintx.com28240 Hardy Toll Road, Suite 210
Spring, TX 77373
Key HOA Information You Need
Architectural Committee, HOA Dues, Resale Transfer/Certificate Package, How to Contact Us, and more!
Guiding Documents for the WHMA Community
Homeowners in the WHMA Community should make note of the following Guidelines and become familiar with each of them.
Click an item below to view these guiding documents.
Architectural Committee
Be sure to get the approval of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC). You can complete the ARC form using the Instructions for Home Improvement Requests form as a guideline and email to williamsburghamlethoa@gmail.com.
Click here to download the ARC form.
Click here for the Instructions for Home Improvement Requests.
Click here for approved Earthtone colors to paint house/structures.
HOA Dues, Statements of Account and Property Resale Packages
HOA dues: $450 annually (effective 2022) - due January 1st each year
(We do not accept cash, credit cards or online payments)
Statements of Account and Property Resale Packages
- Statement of Account = $100.00
- Refinance Statement Cost = $100.00
- Estoppel Certificate = $150.00
- Resale Certificate Package = $275.00 (See next section below)
- Title Transfer Package = $300 (See next section below)
- Payment Plan Monthly Fee = $15.00
- Property Contact Information Form = $25.00
- Pool Card = $30.00
Resale Transfer & Resale Certificate Package
The Resale Transfer Package provides answers to questions such as:
- What is a transfer fee and why should I have to pay one?
- Why is there a fee for this service?
- How much is the transfer fee and who pays it?
The Resale Certificate & Info provides answers to questions such as:
- What is a resale certificate?
- Who prepares a resale certificate?
- Is there a cost for a resale certificate?
Contact Us
Email us at williamsburghamlethoa@gmail.com or use the Contact Us form below. Be sure to include your property address.
Mailing Address (be sure to include your property address)
Williamsburg Hamlet Maintenance AssociationP.O. Box 1332, Katy, TX 77492-1332
Call or Fax
Phone # 281-347-7970
Fax # 281-347-7969
Drop Box located at 1903 Kings Arms Way, Katy, TX 77493
Walk up and drop your payments, suggestions, etc. in the drop box installed at the pool house.
Note: US Postal service does not deliver to this drop box - it is for community use only.
Vision & Values
We are a community that shares common interests for the good of all.
We envision...
A premier community that offers an inspiring lifestyle and quality of life, and is a desirable place in which to live and enjoy the benefits of family, friends and community.
To achieve our vision and mission...
In all our activities we value integrity, fairness, consistent firmness and common sense, community participation, respect, cooperation and sense of community.
Who We Are
We are people who care about the future and safety of our community.
Carl New - President
Jeffrey Maeker – Vice President
Silvia Landa – Treasurer & Secretary
Architectural Committee
williamsburghamlethoa@gmail.comPlease note: if you are interested in serving the WHMA community or you want to nominate someone, please send an email to williamsburghamlethoa@gmail.com.
Board Meetings
4th Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
2024 Annual Meeting
Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.
(Sign in at 6:30 p.m.)
Contact Us
Your email will be sent to the board of directors at williamsburghamlethoa@gmail.com.
Remember: If you see something...Say something.
Forms for WHMA Property Owners
Print and Complete the Forms in This Section and Submit to the Board for Approval, as required.
WHMA Property Account Contact Information Form
Click here to download the Property Account Contact Information Form or click on the form to the right.
All "Property Owners" are required to furnish up-to-date, accurate information for ALL occupants of any WHMA property, owner and renter, to the H.O.A.
Fees will be incurred for misinformation or failure to provide information.
ARC Form - Request for Home Improvement
Request for Home Improvement
Click the image to the right to download the ARC form.
Click here for the Instructions for Home Improvement Requests.
Once downloaded, please print, complete the form and return by mail to
Williamsburg Hamlet Maintenance Association
Attention: Architectural Committee
P.O. Box 1332
Katy, TX 77492-1332
Or put in the Drop Box located in the pool house at 1903 Kings Arms Way
Or provide to a member of the Board of Directors.
Guidelines to Establish a Payment Plan
The guidelines can enable homeowners to cure delinquencies that are owed to the association for past regular or special assessments or other amounts... Click here or click on the form to the right for additional information and to read the guidelines in their entirety.
WHMA Pool Schedule, Rules and Forms
Click to download the Pool Card Application form shown to the right.
- New property owners receive their first pool card FREE.
- Replacement cards are $50 each.
Pool cards will be issued only after the WHMA Board receives the Pool Card Application and confirmed a property owner to be in good standing.
Click here to download the Pool Rules and Regulations.
Download the 2024 Pool Schedule here.
WHMA Sections 1 & 4 and WHCRWA Pipelines
Take a look, read the article below the image, and follow the links provided for more information!
Combination Map Outline of Section 1 and Section 4
Combination map outline of Section 1 and Section 4 maps that reflect the outline of the two West Harris County Regional Water Authority - Houston, Texas (WHCRWA) pipelines that have effects on our subdivision - mainly the one that splits Section 1. It is the one that will have the 64-inch diameter water line installed between the two gaslines that are now there. We hope this helps our community to see and understand some of the effects the waterline installation may have on the Hamlet.
Follow this link - www.whcrwa.com - to learn more. After opening, scroll down the page to "Current Projects" and browse by clicking on pictures, links, etc. There is a 'ton' of info in this article for anyone interested in reading about this water pipeline. From the image shown above, you can see where it will cross Powderhorn and more, adding construction, work trucks, disrupting yards, etc. WHCRWA does have a webpage for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) here: https://www.whcrwa.com/faq/.
If anyone in the WHMA Community who will have 1/2 of their back yard dug up are not interested now - they can't complain that we did not publish information about it prior to - - .
Local & Emergency Contacts
Contact us to add additional numbers common to the HOA to this section
Keep us safe! If you see something...Say something. Make the call....
EMERGENCY ONLY ................................................. 911
NON-EMERGENCY (Harris County Sheriff's Office) POLICE NUMBER ............. (713) 221-6000
Animal Control ........................................... 281-391-4740
Harris County MUD # 64 ........................... 281-347-8686
Poison Control Center ............................... 800-222-1222
Power Outage/Emergency-Centerpoint .. 800-332-7143
Public Health & Environment .................... 713-439-6000
Street Lights (Get the pole number) ..... 713-207-2222
Best Trash Company ............................... 281-313-2378
Email ........................ CustomerService@BestTrash.com
Website ................................ https://www.best-trash.com
Pick Up Days ......................... Wednesdays & Saturdays
Recycle Pick Up Day ...........................Wednesday Only
Heavy Items (limit 2 per day) . Wednesdays & Saturdays
King Elementary ........................................ 281-237-6850
Katy Junior High ........................................ 281-237-6800
Morton Ranch H.S. .................................... 281-237-7800
KISD Administration ................................... 281-396-6000
KISD Security ............................................. 281-396-7560
KISD Transportation ................................... 281-396-6220
The Williamsburg HOA provides the following information without an endorsement. We have heard it can be useful for the reasons listed below.
Nextdoor.com - Join the free private social network for your neighborhood
This website lets you connect to your neighbors posting positive remarks about garage sales in your neighborhood (zip code), job opportunities, area calendar events, area merchants/restuarants that you recommend, postings keeping your neighbors alert if you see something suspicious and more.
For example, if you suddenly find you need a wheelchair, you can check with your neighbors to see if someone has one through the Nextdoor website.
Be sure to read the terms of use for Nextdoor.com. It helps to bring a community closer together so you can get to know your neighbors better.
This information is not an endorsement but is provided for your information only by the Williamsburg HOA.
What is the FAQ section?What is Strikingly?How do I create a website?
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